成都七中初中学校赴澳友校深度研学第二季!Chengdu NO7 Middle School completed study tour in AUS!
2019年5月6日,成都七中初中学校师生共13人开启了为期14天的赴澳友校——葛司敦中学研学序幕。从学习方面来看,孩子们在葛司敦中学进行插班融合学习,学校为每一个中国孩子都配备了一个澳洲本地学生,结成1对1的学习方式,从而以便我们的学生快速而又深入的融入到学校的生活学习中,并体验到了最纯正的澳式教育。当然除了学习时光之外,少不了的是孩子们丰富的游览时光。孩子们周末来到了世界闻名的悉尼歌剧院和海港大桥,还乘坐游轮到了著名的Manly 海滩。同时孩子们还参观了动物园,看到了心念已久的考拉、袋鼠等澳洲动物!此外本次研学中,七初的杨老师还为葛司敦中学的学生们带来了一节丰富生动的中国文化课程,介绍了成都和七初学校,还现场教授澳洲的学生剪纸艺术,赢得了澳方学生的阵阵掌声!美好的时光总是觉得快乐且短暂!为期14天的澳洲研学活动圆满结束。在结束之际,校长Jillian 亲自为我们的孩子举办了欢送仪式并颁发了证书合影留念。
On May,6 2019,with the link of WIZDII INTERNATIONAL, 12 students of Chengdu NO.7 Middle School took part in 14-day study tour in Galston High School ,AUS .The pupils studied in School and experienced the most authentic Australian education and were completely immersed into local study and life with the help of their Australian buddies. What’more,the teaching staff Fan Yang from NO.7 Middle School brought the Chinese traditional culture lesson to Galston High School students in order to lay a solid foundation for their future study and exchange programes between two schools.Finally, Jillian,Principal of GHS,hosted a farewell ceremony for our children and issued study tour certificates for students group.