重磅!成都市龙江路小学分校成功完成赴澳研学活动!Chengdu Longjiang Road Branch Primary School successfully completed study tour in AUS!


2019年2月7日,由康康虎国际教育承办的2019成都市龙江路小学分校赴澳大利亚官方研学活动正式开启。本次研学活动是在澳大利亚新南威尔士州首府悉尼的贝尔维山公学(Bellevue Public School)进行,时间是2月7日—2月18日,总共为期12天的研学历程。澳方学校根据孩子的综合情况,分别把孩子分到了不同的年级和班级,而且学校为每一个中国孩子都配备了一个外国学生,结成1对1的学习方式,以便我们的学生快速而又深入的融入到澳大利亚当地的生活学习中。在学校里,孩子们体验到了纯正的澳式教育——多种多样的课程设置,丰富多彩的课余活动,还在周末参观了悉尼著名的海港大桥、悉尼歌剧院,在去到了著名的邦迪海滩。龙分的孩子们真是不虚此行!

 With the link of  WIZDII INTERNATIONAL,Longjiang Road Branch Primary School pupils took part in a 12-day study tour at Bellevue Public School in Sydney ,Australia ,from Feb.7 to Feb 18,2019.The pupils studied in Bellevue Public School and received authentic Australian education. The pupils were completely immersed into study and life in Australia and their English proficiency was improved and they really enjoyed this visit!

创建时间:2023-02-21 09:50